
美国芝加哥达利中心广场 daley center plaza by Hoerr Schaudt

作者: 2024-10-01暂无评论

这个国际知名的现代主义广场 – 芝加哥标志性毕加索雕塑的家园 – 在35年来首次进行了修复,扩大了种植和座位。 为了应对地下结构所施加的限制,霍尔·肖特(Hoerr Schaudt)用轻质填充物替代了深部种植园中的多余土壤,以允许更多的较大的树木。 手工选择的35英尺高的蜂蜜蝗虫的互锁树林带来了夏季夏季的芝加哥,并恢复了中西部的大城市空间之一。

This internationally renowned Modernist plaza – the home of Chicago’s iconic Picasso sculpture – received its first rehabilitation in 35 years with expanded plantings and seating. In response to restrictions imposed by an underground structure, Hoerr Schaudt replaced excess soil in deep planters with lightweight fill to permit a greater number of larger trees. The interlocking grove of hand-selected 35-foot-tall honey locusts brought shade to summertime Chicago – and revivified one of the Midwest’s great urban spaces.


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