
温暖和独特海景别墅 khanna-2

作者: 2024-10-09暂无评论

这个温暖和独特的项目,与广阔的海景,是专为家庭户外娱乐。 有多个设施和聚会区,例如凸起的石头镶嵌的无边泳池和水疗中心,壁炉露台,带酒吧座位的厨师中心,柑橘花园和多个喷泉功能,所有周围的大型郁郁葱葱的标本种植,创造一个精致的环境,家庭 将享受许多年来。

This warm and unique project, with vast ocean views, was designed for family outdoor entertainment. With multiple amenities and gathering areas, such as the raised stone veneered infinity pool & spa, fireplace patio, cook center with bar seating, citrus garden, and multiple fountain features, all surrounded by large lush specimen planting, creates an exquisite environment that the family will enjoy for many years to come.


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