
考夫曼表演艺术中心 Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts by

作者: 2024-09-25暂无评论

部分位于Moshe Safdie标志性表演厅的停车设施的顶部,草地,草坪,花园和树木的露台景观激发了密苏里州堪萨斯城的一个新文化区,并将市中心连接到一个新兴的艺术区。
考夫曼表演艺术中心将堪萨斯城城市结构中不发达的差距转变为一个充满活力的文化中心和市中心公园。该项目容纳60英尺的坡度变化,两个新的演出场地和一个1000车地下停车场的雕塑。弧形露台扩展了Safdie的姿态,但总是在等级上满足街道,确保在公园内完全可达的路线。在表演艺术中心周围,大量的柳枝草甸帮助建立大量的建筑。长壁和同心排的销橡树延伸了建筑物的中心中心的几何形状,并将其链接到邻域块结构的较大图案。我们颠倒了南半部块的程序 – 促进它应该被视为一个公园与一个分层,地下车库的想法。

Partly atop parking facilities for Moshe Safdie’s iconic performance hall, this terraced landscape of meadows, lawns, gardens, and trees galvanizes a new cultural district for Kansas City, Missouri, and connects downtown to an emerging arts district.

The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts transforms an underdeveloped gap in the urban fabric of Kansas City into a vibrant cultural center and downtown park. The project accommodates, across 60 feet of grade change, the sculptural volumes of two new performance venues and a 1,000-car underground parking structure. Arcing terraces extend Safdie’s gesture but always meet the street at grade, ensuring fully accessible routes throughout the park. Around the Performing Arts Center, expansive swaths of switchgrass meadow help ground the massive building volumes. Long walls and concentric rows of pin oaks extend the geometry of the building’s central atrium and link it to the larger patterns of the neighborhood block structure. We inverted the program for the southern half of the block—promoting the idea that it should be seen as a park with a tiered, subterranean garage.

On the level of everyday experience, the project’s spatial and material richness provides much needed leisure, recreation, and convening social space—a catalyst to promote increased residential and cultural development projects in the area. This project is one in a series of recent cultural endeavors in Kansas City dedicated to design excellence, and progressive fiscal and environmental practices.


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